Create a test with MS/DOS Windows (CMD)

In this tutorial we will learn to create a small test using the windows console and batch script language.

To begin we have to take into account some of the commands that the windows console uses.
Below we show you some of the commands and we explain to you that they serve.

echo: Used to display text in the console.
color: Used to change the background and text color in the console.
title: Used to change the title in the console.
goto: Used to go to a specific label.
if: Used as conditional.
set: It is used in different ways, but in this case we will use it to be able to enter text in the console.
labels: They are not commands but are used to specify the start of a function.

First step.
We opened the notebook in windows.

Second step.
We start the program with the following code.

Third step.
Create the test menu with the following code.

Fourth step.
We create the section of exit and instructions, using the following code.

Fifth step.
We elaborate each one of the questions, using the following code and repeating it in each new question.

Sixth step.
We save the file with the .cmd extension with any name.

To open the test, simply double-click on the file and the console will open.