HTML elements

An HTML element consists of an initial label and a final one, whose objective is to contain some other HTML element inside it or some other content, it is important to clarify that there are also HTML elements without content which are known as empty elements and do not have a label final.

Music and video with HTML5

Video with HTML5. |
This topic was an important factor for the creation of HTML5, because previously when we wanted to place our users some music player or video, only could interact those users who accessed our website through the use of a computer, being unable to enjoy this, the users who accessed a mobile device or tablet.

For many users this can be very frustrating, and it is not for less considering that currently most of the users who surf the Internet do so through the use of a mobile device or tablet.

Everything you need to know before buying a domain

Domains. |
Having a personalized domain for our website has several advantages: it acquires a professional image, gives credibility to users, protects the name of the site on the Internet and if it is short you allow them to access more easily because it is easier to remember. That is why before buying a domain you must know certain things and clear all the doubts you have.

The div element in an HTML document

In this post we will introduce you to some applications of the <div> element in HTML documents, because perhaps this is the most important element in the creation of websites after the basic structure of an HTML document.
This element is used to define a section or block of content, to be able to apply different styles and even allow interaction with it through the use of Javascript, PHP, or any other programming language.

Classes and identifiers in a HTML document

In all the HTML elements used for the creation of websites, we can add attributes, among which the most common are the classes and identifiers. These are used to interact with the elements, both to modify their design and to create changes in them. There are two types of attributes intended for this, "class" and "id".

Differences between Atmel (AVR) and Microchip (PIC)

Although today these two large companies have become one (Microchip Inc.), the great Atmel technology has not ceased to exist and will not, at least what was initially designed by Atmel.

When we just started in the world of microcontrollers perhaps many of us ask ourselves some occasion, which is better? Atmel (AVR) or Microchip (PIC)? It seems that this question was passing from generation to generation.

While it is true that the PIC community is the largest in the world we can not ensure that its technology is really better than any other microcontroller, it is necessary to investigate a little more about the characteristics of each of them before issuing an opinion.

So this post tries to present the main differences that the AVR microcontrollers and the PIC have in a general way, it should be noted that thanks to the union of these companies are currently in production new models of microcontrollers with both technologies.

Software for website development (editors)

Software Development. |
Using a development software is very important, in fact it could be considered as indispensable because if we did not use it we could hardly develop, at least in this type of programming, at some point you asked what is the best software? or wich is the most convenient to use?, we have a surprise!, because the answer to all the above is that it is different for each person, because each of us has different ways of develop and perhaps the software that for someone is more efficient to another one seems boring and does not attract attention.